Donna Bailey

Crye-Leike - Memphis

About Donna

Donna Bailey is an Affiliate Broker with Crye-Leike Commercial headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Crye-Leike is the third largest privately owned real estate company in the United States.

Donna is a life-long Mid-South native, who has extensive experience as a business professional and leader.

Her professional background includes over 15 years’ experience in the healthcare industry having worked for top healthcare organizations in the Memphis area. Donna has also
been a business owner, consultant, and real estate investor.

She joined Crye-Leike Commercial to pursue her love for all things related to commercial real estate. As a consultant, her portfolio includes working as the owners’ liaison
representative and project manager for several major and complex medical
practice construction, build-out, and renovation projects.

Donna has also been
fortunate, for many years in her early career, to be mentored by one of the top
business leaders and financial consultants in Memphis.

Donna’s experiential background, in combination with her strong financial, analytical, and
management knowledge, allows her to better understand and assist clients with
their specific business real estate needs.

A 1994 summa cum laude and award-winning graduate of the University of Memphis, Donna’s philosophy of life-long continual learning and striving for excellence gives prospective
clients the assurance they need as they maneuver in an ever-changing and
complex real estate environment.

Donna enjoys cooking and gardening plus designing and renovating her National Register historic home which was featured in a local home magazine. Donna and her husband, Otha, are
adoptive parents and Donna is a national board emeritus member of an
international children’s services organization.

My brokerage team

Crye-Leike - Memphis